Arduino Car Chassis

Dual H-Bridge L298N Motor Driver Module for Arduino Projects

Dual H-Bridge L298N Motor Driver Module for Arduin

SKU: TA0052

$10.95 RRP $19.95

ESP8266 NodeMCU Expansion Board for Arduino Projects

ESP8266 NodeMCU Expansion Board for Arduino Projec

SKU: TA0680

$6.95 RRP $14.95

4 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit for Arduino Projects

4 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit for Arduino Projec

SKU: TA0134

$29.95 RRP $69.95

4 Wheel Drive Mecanum Wheels Chassis Kit for Arduino Projects

4 Wheel Drive Mecanum Wheels Chassis Kit for Ardui

SKU: TA0642

$59.95 RRP $129.95

Arduino 2 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

Arduino 2 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

SKU: TA0130

$25.25 RRP $44.95

Arduino 4 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

Arduino 4 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

SKU: TA0131

$44.95 RRP $79.95

Arduino 4 Wheel Drive Motor Metal Chassis Kit

Arduino 4 Wheel Drive Motor Metal Chassis Kit

SKU: TA0146

$59.95 RRP $119.00

Arduino Basic 2 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

Arduino Basic 2 Wheel Drive Motor Chassis Kit

SKU: TA0133

$16.95 RRP $49.95

Arduino DC Motor with Mecanum Wheels - Left and Right Pair

Arduino DC Motor with Mecanum Wheels - Left and Ri

SKU: TA0643

$24.95 RRP $49.95

Car Chassis and Parts

Build your own Arduino Car and Robot with our Car Chassis and Parts

Offering a range of 2WD and 4WD Chassis platforms, DC motors and wheels for all your Arduino and Robotic projects.